DCP 6690CW, MFC 5890CN/6490CW/6890CDW
Alcsoport | tintapatron |
Kellékanyag színe | fekete |
DCP 6690CW, MFC 5890CN/6490CW/6890CDW
3000 oldal
Brother MFC-J2330DW
Brother MFC-J3530DW
Brother MFC-J3590DW
DCP-J4110DW, MFC-J4410DW
Nagy kapacitású tintapatron kb 2400 oldalhoz
Brother MFC-J5320DW, MFC-J5620DW, MFC-J5625DW, MFC-J5720DW
DCP 130/240C/330C/540CN/560CN/4400CN/5460CN
Brother DCP-T310/DCP-T510W/DCP-T710W/MFC-T810W/MFC-T910DW
fekete nagykapacitású tintapatron kb 1200 oldalhoz
Brother DCP-J4120DW
Tintapatron DCP T-300, 500W, 700W nyomtatókhoz
550 oldal
Brother MFC-J2330DW
Brother MFC-J3530DW
Brother MFC-J3590DW
Tintapatron az alábbi nyomtatókhoz:
Brother MFC-J5330DW
Brother MFC-J5335DW
Brother MFC-J5730DW
Brother MFC-J5930DW
Brother MFC-J6530DW
Brother MFC-J6930DW
Brother MFC-J6935DW
DCP 145C/165C/MFC 250C/290C
MFC J6910DW/6710DW/6510DW
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